Teamviewer vpn routing
Teamviewer vpn routing

teamviewer vpn routing

Once you have woken up your Mac, you can switch to and quit Putty. The Window's program Putty (freely available) can make an ssh connection to a Mac across the internet. Now you can use ssh from Windows to wake up your Mac. Remember this address, you will need it next.Īpplications -> Airport Utility -> Select your Airport Extreme -> Edit -> Network -> Port Settings -> -> Description: Remote Login - SSH -> Public TCP Ports: 22 -> Private TCP Ports: 22 -> Private IP address: the above IP address from DHCP Reservations. Now the Airport base station will ALWAYS give your Mac the same IP address. This is how you will identify your Mac when configuring the Airport Utility to map port 22.Īpplications -> Airport Utility -> Select your Airport Extreme -> Edit -> Network -> DHCP Reservations -> -> Reserve Address by DHCP Client ID -> Enter the above DHCP Client ID -> IPv4 Address -> Give your Mac an address. Start by giving your Mac a System Preferences -> Network -> Advanced -> TCP/IP -> DHCP Client ID. Anyway, now you need to tell the Airport base station to map port 22 from your Mac to the Internet. One approach might be enabling System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login (this is the ssh (Secure Shell) protocol terminal connection), and as long as the accounts on your Mac have good passwords, it is very secure.

teamviewer vpn routing

If the servers do not do that, then you need another way to tickle the Mac to get the Airport base station to send the Wake-on-LAN networking packet.

teamviewer vpn routing

The thing is, someone has to talk to the Mac through the router to get the router to send the Wake-on-LAN networking packet. Since you want to use I do not know if having the TeamViewer app running when you put the Mac to sleep will allow the servers to remember where it is when you want to connect from Windows.

Teamviewer vpn routing